Google: Potential Returns Are Very Limited (Hold Reiteration)


  • Challenges include limited growth opportunities, anti-trust investigations hindering M&As, and competitive pressures.
  • The two DCF models present differing perspectives, with one suggesting a fair price of $162.72 and the other, a more bearish model, indicating $135.71.
  • Valuing Alphabet’s stock is complex due to the intricate interplay of revenue growth projections, market dynamics, and strategic decisions. Nevertheless, both models indicate that the upside is limited.

Major Tech Companies To Report Earnings

Justin Sullivan


In my previous article, the most optimistic model for Alphabet, Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) suggested a fair price of $166.20 and a future price of $269.50, indicating that Alphabet’s upside was too limited to consider it

(Current data)
Assumptions Part 1
Equity Value 283,379.00
Debt Value 25,713.00
Cost of Debt 1.28%
Tax Rate 13.91%
10y Treasury 3.93%
Beta 1.12
Market Return 10.50%
Cost of Equity 11.29%
Assumptions Part 2
CapEx 32,251.00
Capex Margin 10.49%
Net Income 73,795.00
Interest 329.00
Tax 11,922.00
D&A 11,946.00
Ebitda 97,992.00
D&A Margin 3.89%
Interest Expense Margin 0.11%
Revenue 307,394.0

Revenue Net Income Plus Taxes Plus D&A Plus Interest
2024 $342,222.0 $84,044.24 $95,733.58 $109,033.08 $109,399.35
2025 $377,500.0 $97,406.40 $110,954.23 $124,253.72 $124,620.00
2026 $415,212.3 $114,627.85 $130,570.93 $146,706.99 $147,151.38
2027 $456,692.0 $134,894.06 $153,655.88 $171,403.92 $171,892.71
2028 $502,315.5 $158,743.32 $180,822.23 $200,343.31 $200,880.93
2029 $552,496.8 $186,809.14 $212,791.61 $234,262.83 $234,854.16
^Final EBITA^

Net income Margin %
2024 24.56%
2025 25.80%
2026 27.61%
2027 29.54%
2028 31.60%
2029 33.81%

Google Users Google Search Engine Revenue Internet Users
2024 4,293 178,161.3 5,254
2025 4,470 185,485.8 5,470
2026 4,649 192,945.9 5,690
2027 4,829 200,406.0 5,910
2028 5,189 215,326.3 6,350
2029 5,377 223,125.5 6,580

Subscriptions Google Play Google Pixel Devices
2023 18,540.0 7,577.5 8,490.0
2024 20,130.7 8,227.7 8,789.7
2025 21,857.9 8,933.6 9,100.0
2026 23,733.4 9,700.1 9,421.2
2027 25,769.7 10,532.4 9,753.8
2028 27,980.7 11,436.1 10,098.1
2029 30,381.5 12,417.3 10,454.5

Google Search & other YouTube Ads Google Network Subscriptions,Platforms & devices Google Cloud
2023 174,907.2 31,507.9 31,292.7 34,674.0 33,075.6
2024 178,161.3 33,398.4 33,464.4 37,148.1 38,466.9
2025 185,485.8 35,402.3 35,786.9 39,891.5 44,737.0
2026 192,945.9 37,526.4 38,270.5 42,854.7 52,029.2
2027 200,406.0 39,778.0 40,926.4 46,055.8 60,509.9
2028 215,326.3 42,164.7 43,766.7 49,514.9 70,373.0
2029 223,125.5 44,694.5 46,804.1 53,253.3 81,843.8
% of Revenue 56.90% 10.25% 10.18% 11.28% 10.76%

Net income Margin %
2024 24.56%
2025 25.80%
2026 27.61%
2027 29.54%
2028 31.60%
2029 33.81%

Revenue Net Income Plus Taxes Plus D&A Plus Interest
2024 $320,639.1 $78,748.97 $89,701.81 $102,162.55 $102,505.72
2025 $341,303.5 $88,056.29 $100,303.66 $112,764.39 $113,107.57
2026 $363,626.6 $100,397.31 $114,361.13 $128,492.45 $128,881.63
2027 $387,676.2 $114,519.55 $130,447.57 $145,513.51 $145,928.44
2028 $421,145.6 $133,082.00 $151,591.79 $167,958.42 $168,409.17
2029 $449,721.3 $152,050.77 $173,198.84 $190,675.99 $191,157.32
^Final EBITA^

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, but may initiate a beneficial Long position through a purchase of the stock, or the purchase of call options or similar derivatives in GOOG over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha’s Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.

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