Semper Augustus – Microsoft: A 36.1% Profit Margin Capitalized At 34x


  • Microsoft enjoyed a phenomenal ten years to 2021, the stock compounding by 32.0%.
  • Microsoft likewise enjoyed a phenomenal ten years to 2021, the stock compounding by 32.0%.
  • MSFT is a great example of a management team knowing where to spend its money and how to reinvent itself at the same time.

Las Vegas Hosts Annual CES Trade Show

David Becker

The following segment was excerpted from this fund letter.

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

Microsoft enjoyed a phenomenal ten years to 2021, the stock compounding by 32.0%. Sales grew 9.9% annually, margins grew from 31.1% to 35.5% and investors bid the stock up from a bargain basement

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