Amazon: A Transparently Bullish Valuation So Investors Can Decide For Themselves


  • This article transparently walks through my moderately bullish assessment of Amazon while attempting to give investors the tools to properly evaluate Amazon for themselves.
  • Amazon’s opaque financial reporting causes valuations of the business to vary considerably because analysts/investors are forced to guess even more than usual.
  • Disclosure of margins, the most important part of the Amazon story going forward, is particularly poor.
  • The current price of ~$85/share is (very roughly) a conservative fair value, assuming Amazon simply reverts to profitability, but unforeseen cost reductions could enhance returns.
  • Beware the “Sum of the Parts” Bulls and the “P/E Ratio Bears”.

Amazon fulfillment center building in Las Vegas

4kodiak/iStock Unreleased via Getty Images


The market can’t make up its mind whether the issues at Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) are temporary or prolonged and, as a result, the stock is down 50% from its highs. As investors, we need to determine whether these

Financial Data

Amazon’s Q3 Earnings

Finanacial Data

Business Segments (Amazon’s Q3 Earnings)

Financial Forecast

This looks pretty alluring, but would only matter if AWS were to be spun off (Author’s Calculation)

Financial Slide

Totally abysmal free cash flow (Amazon’s Q3 Earnings Presentation)

Financial Data

Quick mental math reveals that the -$19,686 trailing twelve months free cash flow from Amazon’s Q3 presentation is derived from the reconciliation of the highlighted line items above. (Amazon’s Q3 Earnings Report)

Data Forecast

Sales growth by segment. Notice how the faster growing segments take up more of the revenue mix by 2027 (Numbers from Amazon Earnings Reports, calculation by author)

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

Wall Street’s revenue estimates for Amazon – similar to our estimates above (Seeking Alpha)

Data Forecast

If this is too optimistic or too pessimistic, I’d love to hear about it in the comments (Author’s Calculation)

Data Forecast

A significant improvement on the current -$20B (Author’s Estimation)

Data Forecast

29% is number that could get investors excited (Author’s Calculation)

Data Forecast

Amazon’s current price compared to its 2027 price estimate based on what I consider conservative growth, margin and multiple assumptions (Author’s Calculation)

Data Forecast

Highlighted in black are the cash savings that would result from a decrease in the growth of R&D spending as a percent of sales. (Author’s Calculations)

Data Forecast

How our free cash flow and fair value estimate change with R&D savings added back (Author’s Calculation)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of AMZN either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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