Altria Group: Trending Steadily Higher, With Smoking Hot Dividends


  • Regardless of your stance on tobacco stocks, Altria Group still does more than $20 billion in annual revenues and has a market cap of just under $90 billion.
  • While Altria has seen share price appreciation over the last six months, it is most known for its high dividend yield.
  • MO currently has a dividend yield of more than 7.5%, which makes it the second-highest-yielding stock in the S&P 500.

Altria office sign in Virginia capital city tobacco business closeup by road street, parent company of Philip Morris


Altria Group (NYSE:MO) – formerly Philip Morris – is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of cigarettes and other tobacco products. However, the company’s current motto is “Moving Beyond Smoking” as it pushes smoke-free products and harm reduction.

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