Disney: Battle With Trian Better Than Fight Night


  • The Walt Disney Company is going “all out” to defeat Trian.
  • Bob Iger had about as good a track record as a CEO can have long term.
  • The coronavirus challenges and subsequent restart were unique challenges that took a while.
  • The odds of the “Fox” acquisition working out like the other acquisitions are darn good.
  • Management is highly likely to report a better year and demonstrate the advantages of the “Fox” acquisition in the near future.

Stock Markets Rebound On Day After Major Sell Off

Drew Angerer

(Note: This article was in the newsletter on January 18, 2023.)

The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS) is wasting no time taking off the gloves. The coming fight is going to be as ugly as any political fight

Disney Presentation Of the Stock Performance When Bob Iger Was CEO The First Time

Disney Presentation Of the Stock Performance When Bob Iger Was CEO The First Time (Disney Corporate Presentation January 2023)

Disney Acquisitions When Bob Iger Was CEO

Disney Acquisitions When Bob Iger Was CEO (Disney Corporate Presentation January 2023)

Disney Summary Of Fox Acquisition Assets

Disney Summary Of Fox Acquisition Assets (Disney Corporate Presentation January 2023)

Disney Summary Of EBITDA, Net Debt, And Leverage History

Disney Summary Of EBITDA, Net Debt, And Leverage History (Disney Corporate Presentation January 2023)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of DIS XOM either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor, and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell a security. Investors are recommended to read all of the company’s filings and press releases as well as do their own research to determine if the company fits their own investment objectives and risk portfolios.

I analyze oil and gas companies, related companies, and Disney in my service, Oil & Gas Value Research, where I look for undervalued names in the oil and gas space. I break down everything you need to know about these companies — the balance sheet, competitive position and development prospects. This article is an example of what I do. But for Oil & Gas Value Research members, they get it first and they get analysis on some companies that is not published on the free site. Interested? Sign up here for a free two-week trial.

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