Adobe: Why It Could Be A Potential Outperformer


  • ADBE, a beneficiary of an increasing digital transformation and with its services almost indispensable, delivered double-digit growth rates in recent years.
  • While the stock seems to be undervalued from a valuation point of view, the technical analysis suggests a probable breakout from its downtrend established since November 2021.
  • ADBE’s steady revenue and EPS growth combined with its high profitability and strong market position makes it a potential outperformer in the next bull market.
  • Investors should be well-advised to accumulate the stock on weakness.
  • However, a sustainable recovery of the stock should be highly dependent on the recovery of the general market.

Close-up of Adobe Systems logo on blue Photoshop CS6 disc


1. Introduction

In my article “Why Adobe Could Soar To $800” from August 26, 2020 when Adobe (NASDAQ:ADBE) stock was at $467, I had outlined why ADBE could rise to $800. In the meantime, the stock had peaked as high

ADBE chart since author's buy recommendation

ADBE chart since author’s buy recommendation (YCharts)

Price % change - ADBE vs major indices

Price % change – ADBE vs major indices (YCharts)

Price % off high - ADBE vs major indices

Price % off high – ADBE vs major indices (YCharts)

ADBE OCF and FCF growth - 5 years

ADBE OCF and FCF growth – 5 years (YCharts)

ADBE's Q1 2023 targets

ADBE’s Q1 2023 targets (Adobe)

Breakdown of Adobe's TAM in the different segments

Breakdown of Adobe’s TAM in the different segments (Adobe)

Graphics software market share

Graphics software market share (Datanyze)

ADBE fair value calculation based on DCF

ADBE fair value calculation based on DCF (Author’s calculation)

ADBE fair value calculation based on EPS

ADBE fair value calculation based on EPS (Author’s calculation)

Rule of 40 - ADBE quarterly revenue growth rates and EBIDTA margin

Rule of 40 – ADBE quarterly revenue growth rates and EBIDTA margin (YCharts)

ADBE chart - breakout attempt

ADBE chart – breakout attempt (TradingView)

Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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