Tesla In 2023: A Return To Reality, The Start Of The End Or Time To Buy?


  • I have valued Tesla multiple times over the last decade, and while I have been wrong at each turn, I have tried to learn from my mistakes.
  • While the company still has skeptics, it is no longer a niche player in a big market, and has moved the sector closer to its vision than the other way around.
  • Clearly, the earnings per share beat and the “news is not as bad as it could have been” effect is clearly playing out in Tesla’s pricing.
  • I would like to think that my decisions on whether to buy or sell Tesla will be unaffected by my personal views on Musk, but that may be just my delusion speaking.

Tesla EV electric vehicles on display. Tesla products include electric cars, battery energy storage and solar panels.

jetcityimage/iStock Editorial via Getty Images

I am not much of a car person and view cars primarily as a mode of transportation. I drive a 2010 Honda Civic, a perfectly serviceable vehicle that is never going to get oohs and ahas

2022 numbers updated to reflect 4th quarter earnings call on 1/25/23

2022 numbers updated to reflect 4th quarter earnings call on 1/25/23

2022 numbers updated to reflect 4th quarter earnings call on 1/25/23

2022 numbers updated to reflect 4th quarter earnings call on 1/25/23

With the 3:1 stock split since, his value per share has to be divided by three to make it comparable to today's price

With the 3:1 stock split since, his value per share has to be divided by three to make it comparable to today’s price


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