AI Cloud Infrastructure – Microsoft, Google, And Oracle


  • The new AI world launched by ChatGPT is one of the massive costs. Costs increase exponentially with model size.
  • At the root of that is the expense of Nvidia data center GPUs. They are ripe for disruption, but that doesn’t mean it will happen any time soon.
  • These trends favor pick-and-shovels plays and large incumbents with deep pockets. Hardware infrastructure and foundational model APIs.
  • A look at 3 AI cloud services: Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud. Microsoft looks like the surest thing, but Google has the largest opportunity as a potential Nvidia disruptor with their TPU v4.

Microsoft Sales office. Microsoft plans for a future beyond the XBOX, Surface and cloud computing.


A Cost Explosion

We are in an era of rolling hype cycles: crypto, metaverse, and now generative AI. Companies are racing to implement generative AI features in existing software, with mixed success. As I write this, iOS App Store reviews for Snapchat (

Chart showing C3 R&D + CapEx as a % of revenue over 100%

C3 quarterly earnings reports

A chart showing Microsoft Intelligent Cloud operating margin declining in the past 4 quarters after rising for 6 quarter.

Microsoft quarterly earnings reports

Chart comparing AWS operating margin to the rest of Amazon.

Like two different companies. The non-AWS margin in Q1 was -0.6% (Amazon annual reports)

Chart showing prepandemic ad revenue growth at Google and Facebook at around 20%, rising steeply in the pandemic and then falling fast.

Google and Facebook quarterly earnings reports

Data by YCharts

Chart showing a sharp rise in cloud revenue growth in fiscal 2023

Oracle fiscal Q3 report.

Data by YCharts

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of MSFT, QCOM either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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