AGNC Investment Corp.: Call Risk Adds To Complications For Share Price Recovery


  • AGNC Investment Corp. faces significant challenges due to high-interest rates, resulting in negative net interest income and high leverage.
  • The company’s strategy of investing in higher-yield mortgage securities is hindered by limited availability and call risk, complicating its financial recovery.
  • AGNC may need to issue more shares to fund future investments, further diluting common share value.
  • Preferred shares like AGNCO offer better yields, but overall, AGNC’s risks make it an unappealing investment at this time.
Business Acronym MBS - Mortgage Backed Security



AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) is a real estate investment trust that primarily invests in agency backed mortgages (also known as an mREIT). Agency backed mortgages are securities backed by mortgaged assets that are insured by the federal government. Back in April, I

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