Altria Group: One Of The Highest Returning Investments Over The Last 60 Years


  • Altria Group has delivered exceptional returns, with a $1 investment in 1970 growing over 6,000-fold, despite declining cigarette consumption.
  • Regulatory barriers and high taxes have ironically enhanced Altria’s pricing power, driving significant revenue and profit growth.
  • Altria’s strong brand loyalty and near-monopoly status have enabled substantial price increases, resulting in expanded operating margins from 15% in 1970 to nearly 60% today.
  • Investor aversion to tobacco stocks has allowed Altria to repurchase shares at attractive prices, further compounding its intrinsic value.

Altria office sign in Virginia capital city tobacco business closeup by road street, parent company of Philip Morris


The following segment was excerpted from this fund letter.

In 1964, the U.S. Office of the Surgeon General issued a landmark authoritative report linking the use of tobacco with the heightened risk of lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. At the time, forty-three percent

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