Amazon: 18k Layoffs, Declining Inflation, And Commodity Prices Could Lead To Several Earnings Beats


  • The current macro environment looks promising for Amazon as inflation continues to decline in addition to commodity pricing.
  • Amazon has a margin problem as they are operating at a 2.58% operating income margin, and their profits have come from AWS in recent quarters.
  • Amazon could shock the street over the next several quarters, and the forward P/E could fall into the 20-30 range if management can get operational expenses under control.

Amazon fulfillment center building in Las Vegas

4kodiak/iStock Unreleased via Getty Images

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) confirmed its plans to lay off over 18,000 employees compared to the previous projection of around 10,000 jobs. AMZN is one of the largest employers in the U.S as they have over


Seeking Alpha


Seeking Alpha

Operating Income Over The TTM in Millions



% Difference

Total Revenue




Cost of revenue




Selling general and admin







Other operating Expenses



Operating Income




Operating Margin








Trading Economics


Trading Economics

Nat Gas

Trading Economics


Trading Economics

Operating Income

Steven Fiorillo, Seeking Alpha

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of AMZN either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor or professional. This article is my own personal opinion and is not meant to be a recommendation of the purchase or sale of stock. The investments and strategies discussed within this article are solely my personal opinions and commentary on the subject. This article has been written for research and educational purposes only. Anything written in this article does not take into account the reader’s particular investment objectives, financial situation, needs, or personal circumstances and is not intended to be specific to you. Investors should conduct their own research before investing to see if the companies discussed in this article fit into their portfolio parameters. Just because something may be an enticing investment for myself or someone else, it may not be the correct investment for you.

I will be launching a subscription service called Barbell Capital on the Seeking Alpha Marketplace. Barbell Capital will provide exclusive research, model portfolios, investment tools, Q&A sessions, watchlists, and additional features for its members. I will also have a live portfolio dedicated to generating capital from trading, selling puts and selling covered calls. The profits will be allocated to future capital appreciating investments and investing in dividend investments to generate income while we sleep.

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