American Tower: The Growth Opportunity Called Africa


  • American Tower is a perfect example of a simple business that generates outstanding financial results.
  • The exceptional growth over the past decade has been driven by continued focus on international markets with attractive return on investments.
  • Going forward, I think that Africa could be the main growth driver for American Tower as the region benefits from demographic trends and outsized economic growth.
  • Shares are attractively valued from a historical perspective, so I rate the stock a ‘buy’.

Antenna with 5G technology in rural countryside at sunset.

Leonid Sorokin

The investment thesis

We are nearing 2023 and investors are looking for new investment ideas. In my opinion, American Tower Corporation (NYSE:AMT) is one of the best deals in the market right now. What I especially like about

American Tower company overview

American Tower company overview (American Tower Investor Relations)

Number of towers per geographical segment

Number of towers per geographical segment (Author; American Tower Quarterly Reports)

Sample ROIs per geographical segment

Sample ROIs per geographical segment (American Tower Investor Relations)

Smartphone data usage per month per country

Smartphone data usage per month per country (American Tower Investor Relations)

Financial track record over the past decad

Financial track record over the past decade (American Tower Investor Relations)

P/AFFO history and average P/AFFO ratio

P/AFFO history and average P/AFFO ratio (Author)

Dividend yield history for American Tower

Dividend yield history for American Tower (SeekingAlpha)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of AMT either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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