Comcast: A 10x P/E ‘Value’ Stock After Weak Q2-Q3 Results


  • Comcast stock has fallen back to what it was five years ago, and now has a 10x P/E, a 10% Free Cash Flow Yield and a 3.1% Dividend Yield.
  • The core Cable business has slowed significantly, with broadband subscriber net adds falling to close to zero since Q2 2022.
  • However, this is largely due to macro, Cable’s current earnings are not at risk and will likely still grow at low-single-digits.
  • In NBC Universal, good growth in Theme Parks and Studios is offsetting weakness in Media (including rising losses in Peacock).
  • With shares at $34.50, our forecasts indicate a total return of 68% (18.8% annualized) by 2025 year-end. Buy.

A View Of The Comcast Center

Cindy Ord


In this article we review our investment case on Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCSA).

Comcast’s share price is below what it was five years ago, having fallen 44% from its peak last September. Compared to when we initiated

Comcast Share Price (Last 5 Years)

Comcast Share Price (Last 5 Years)

Source: Google Finance (20-Nov-22).

Comcast EBITDA by Segment (2012-21)

Comcast EBITDA by Segment (2012-21)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Comcast Financial Headlines (Q3 YTD 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Comcast Financial Headlines (Q3 YTD 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast results releases.

Comcast Financial Headlines (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Comcast Financial Headlines (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast results releases.

Comcast Cable Comms Key Growth Rates (2017 to Q3 2022)

Comcast Cable Comms Key Growth Rates (2017 to Q3 2022)

Source: Comcast results releases.

NB. Wireless included in EBITDA growth rate calculations from 2018 onwards.

Comcast Cable Customer Net Adds by Category (Since Q3 2019)

Comcast Cable Customer Net Adds by Category (Since Q3 2019)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Wireline & Fixed Wireless Broadband Net Adds – Key Players (Since Q2 2019)

Wireline & Fixed Wireless Broadband Net Adds - Key Players (Since Q2 2019)

Source: Company filings.

NB. Comcast Q1 2022 figure includes one-third benefit from end of COVID free programs.

AT&T & Verizon Broadband Subscriber Gains/Losses – Fiber vs. Non-Fiber

AT&T & Verizon Broadband Subscriber Gains/Losses - Fiber vs. Non-Fiber

Source: Company filings.

NB. AT&T DSL losses no longer discussed from 2022; was 19k in Q4 2021.

Comcast Revenues and EBITDA (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Comcast Revenues and EBITDA (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Source: Comcast results schedule (Q3 2022).

NBCU EBITDA by Segment (Since Q3 2019)

NBCU EBITDA by Segment (Since Q3 2019)

Source: Comcast company filings.

NBCU Revenues & EBITDA by Segment (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Years)

NBCU Revenues & EBITDA by Segment (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Media Revenues & EBITDA – Peacock vs. Non-Peacock (Since 2020)

Media Revenues & EBITDA – Peacock vs. Non-Peacock(Since 2020)

Source: Comcast company filings.

NBCU Revenues & EBITDA by Segment (Q3 YTD 2022 vs. Prior Years)

NBCU Revenues & EBITDA by Segment (Q3 YTD 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (Q3 YTD 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (Q3 YTD 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast results release (Q3 2022).

Comcast Earnings, Cashflows & Valuation (Since 2019)

Comcast Earnings, Cashflows & Valuation (Since 2019)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Comcast Debt Maturity & Interest Rates (2021 Year-End)

Comcast Debt Maturity & Interest Rates (2021 Year-End)

Source: Comcast 10-K filing (2021).

Comcast Illustrative 2022-25 Forecasts

Comcast Illustrative 2022-25 Forecasts

Source: Comcast company filings, Librarian Capital estimates.

Illustrative Comcast Return Forecasts

Illustrative Comcast Return Forecasts

Source: Librarian Capital estimates.

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of CMCSA,CHTR either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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