Disagreements And First Principles: The Pushback On My Tesla Valuation


  • Given that I found Tesla to be overvalued, albeit only mildly, about three quarters of the disagreements posted online to the valuation came from Tesla bulls, some of whom have disagreed with me for a decade, and have, for the most part, been on the right side of the Tesla trade and made a lot of money on the stock.
  • In short, my value of $130/share reflects the confluence of these assumptions, and as I conceded, I can and will be wrong on each of them.
  • To the argument that 10.15% is too low a cost of capital to use on a company like Tesla, in a cyclical business and with a unpredictable CEO at its helm, my response is the same it was to the Tesla bulls.

Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory

Xiaolu Chu

I wrote about my most recent valuation of Tesla just over a week ago, and as has always been the case when I value this company, I have heard from both sides of the Tesla divide. Some of

Disagreements And First Principles: The Pushback On My Tesla Valuation

Disagreements and First Principles: The Pushback on my Tesla Valuation

Disagreements and First Principles: The Pushback on my Tesla Valuation

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