Meta Platforms: A Value Opportunity In The Tech Environment


  • META is undervalued regardless of the Metaverse results. Value Investing provides the right tools to understand why the company is a great occasion.
  • META’s sustainable earnings come up with at least 30% to 35% upside potential.
  • Setting apart the metaverse narrative and understanding the earnings power value of META gives us an unobstructed perspective to consider for the valuation.
  • There is a free option to the incredible upside if the metaverse would even just partially work, as we haven’t included its potential in the valuation.
  • There is a huge margin of safety at the current price, and multiple should expand from now forward.

Meta European head office

Derick Hudson

By Antonio Velardo

Investment Thesis

Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) is one of the most beaten-up stories among the FAANG, the storytelling around the Metaverse has failed to be understood by the market, and a great deal of pessimism

Family of apps - Antonio Velardo's graph for META

Moat Investing

Workforce graph by Antonio Velardo & Moat Investing

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Product Portfolio graph by Antonio Velado

Moat Investing

META's share-based compensation Graph by Antonio Velardo

Moat Investing

META's Customer Portfolio graph by Antonio Velardo

Moat Investing

META's graph of Customer Portfolio Valuation by Antonio Velardo

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Asset Valuation of META by Antonio Velardo

Moat Investing

R&D META's GRAPH BY Antonio Velardo

Moat Investing

Graph by Antonio Velardo

Moat Investing

META's EPV by Antonio Velardo

Moat Investing

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of META either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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