Microsoft: Shark Tank Deal For ChatGPT


  • Microsoft appears set to make a strange deal to invest aggressively in OpenAI.
  • The AI chatbot technology of ChatGPT has caught the market attention, but the service has no functional business model yet.
  • The stock remains the most expensive of the tech giants, and a wild $10 billion investment is a negative signal.

Smart AI or artificial intelligence using Chatbot, artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI.

WANAN YOSSINGKUM/iStock via Getty Images

According to media outlets, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is working on a large shark tank type deal to invest in OpenAI, the firm behind ChatGPT. The AI chatbot has garnered a lot of attention, but the leaked deal

Acquisition table

Source: GeekWire

Data by YCharts

Data by YCharts

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