Tesla: Prioritizing Volume Over Margins


  • Company cuts prices in an effort to drive unit volume growth.
  • Gross margins likely to come down, but profits can still rise.
  • Shares remain at the low end of yearly trading range.

Tesla Motors dealership


Over the past couple of years, one of the areas that has seen the most inflation has been vehicle pricing. Electric vehicle maker Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) had certainly raised prices around the globe on multiple models thanks to

Revenues Per Vehicle Delivered

Automotive Revenue Per Delivered Vehicle (Company Filings)

GAAP Automotive Gross Margin

Tesla GAAP Automotive Gross Margin (Company Filings)

Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.

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