Unity Software Steps In It


  • Unity faces backlash from indie developers over changes to their pricing structure after undercharging for years, and creating expectations that it would always be that way.
  • Raising prices is never easy, but it is also not this hard. This was one of the worst failures of corporate communications I have ever seen.
  • They need to repair their relationship with developers and also fix their pricing issue. These goals are now at odds with each other.
  • I believe this is a fireable offense for CEO John Riccitiello. I do not say this lightly.

Unity Software headquarters in San Francisco

Sundry Photography

Trust arrives on foot and leaves on horseback. (Vertrouwen komt te voet en gaat te paard).

-Dutch proverb.

I know that comes with how hard it is to earn trust, and I know how easy it is to lose

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