Vale S.A.: The Peak Earnings Cycles Of The Past Are Likely Finished


  • Vale S.A. is downgraded to a strong sell due to declining revenues and overvaluation, with iron ore markets heavily influencing its performance.
  • The iron ore industry is highly cyclical and volatile, with prices generally lower over the past 8 years, except for a brief spike in 2021.
  • China’s slowing growth and overbuilt housing market are significant headwinds for Vale S.A., which relies heavily on Chinese demand for iron ore.
  • Despite modest increases in copper and nickel production, Vale S.A. remains overly dependent on iron ore, facing limited supply constraints and global economic challenges.

Steelworker inspecting molten steel during steel pour in steelworks

Monty Rakusen

Identifying the difference between cycles and more secular trends is often difficult. While most markets have periods of weaker and stronger performance depending on the business cycle, sometimes there are multi-year changes that substantively change the dynamic of an

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