Verizon: 3 Reasons To Buy And 2 Reasons To Sell This 6.4% Yielding Blue Chip


  • Since my “Best Time in History to Buy Verizon” article last September, VZ has been up 35%, outperforming the S&P and Nasdaq.
  • Verizon’s 6.4% yield is very low risk, supported by a low payout ratio, strong balance sheet, and $49 billion in expected retained free cash flow through 2029.
  • Verizon remains attractively valued, but it’s 18% undervalued. It offers a 29% upside in the next year and 51% in the next 2.5 years, which would be 3.5 years.
  • Verizon has some significant negatives to be aware of, specifically its 1.1% growth consensus and 7.5% long-term return potential.
  • Verizon is usually a low volatility stock (falling 50% as much in most down years for stocks) but it has specific idiosyncratic risks that you need to be comfortable with before making it part of your diversified dividend portfolio.
Portrait of crazy funky funny old bearded man hipster in green eyeglasses, eyewear look up at money falling scream great win lottery wear leopard stylish shirt isolated over yellow background


Many readers have recently asked me for an update about Verizon (NYSE:VZ).

I just completed the annual review for Verizon and wanted to report my findings.

So, let’s examine the three things income investors will love and the two reasons to

Rating Dividend Kings Safety Score (Over 1,000 Metric Model) Approximate Dividend Cut Risk (Average Recession) Approximate Dividend Cut Risk In Pandemic Level Recession
1 – unsafe 0% to 20% over 4% 16+%
2- below average 21% to 40% over 2% 8% to 16%
3 – average 41% to 60% 2% 4% to 8%
4 – safe 61% to 80% 1% 2% to 4%
5- very safe 81% to 100% 0.5% 1% to 2%
VZ 95% 0.5% 1.25%
S&P Risk Rating 61% Percentile, Good BBB+ stable outlook credit rating = 5% 30-year bankruptcy risk 15% or Less Max Risk Cap

Year Debt/EBITDA Net Debt/EBITDA (3.5 Or Less Safe According To Credit Rating Agencies)

Interest Coverage (4+ Safe)

2023 3.15 3.11 4.14
2024 3.00 2.91 4.69
2025 2.82 2.71 4.91
2026 2.65 2.54 5.24
2027 2.55 2.44 6.10
2028 2.62 2.56 6.67
Annualized Change -3.6% -3.8% 10.0%

Time Frame (Years) Average PE Average P/FCF Annual EPS Growth Annual FCF Growth EPS PEG FCF PEG
20 13.57 11.8 3.21 1.33 4.23 8.87
19 13.62 11.94 3.57 2.63 3.82 4.54
18 13.54 11.86 3.66 3.86 3.70 3.07
17 13.7 11.85 5.02 4.17 2.73 2.84
16 13.49 11.6 4.42 3.33 3.05 3.48
15 13.22 11.32 4.2 2.48 3.15 4.56
14 13.28 11.4 4.93 -0.52 2.69 -21.92
13 13.31 11.81 5.88 -2.25 2.26 -5.25
12 13.07 12.31 6.75 -0.59 1.94 -20.86
11 12.51 12.7 6.65 -1.68 1.88 -7.56
10 11.98 13.21 5.19 -5.4 2.31 -2.45
9 11.71 13.8 3.86 3.09 3.03 4.47
8 11.38 13.79 2.1 -1.89 5.42 -7.30
7 11.35 14.6 2.81 18.12 4.04 0.81
6 10.87 12.14 3.92 14.49 2.77 0.84
5 10.39 11.61 0 0.73 NA 15.90
4 9.88 11.45 -0.52 0.79 -19.00 14.49
3 9.31 10.45 -1.31 -7.96 -7.11 -1.31
2 8.42 10.49 -6.52 -2.19 -1.29 -4.79
1 7.81 10.14 -9.08 32.96 -0.86 0.31
Average 11.8205 12.0135 2.437 3.275 0.99 -0.36
Median 12.245 11.83 3.76 1.06 2.73 0.82


Vanguard 500 Index Investor

Year Inflation Return Return
2008 0.09% -18.02% -37.02%
2002 2.38% -15.12% -22.15%
2022 6.45% -20.01% -18.23%
2001 1.55% -2.47% -12.02%
2000 3.39% -16.29% -9.06%
2018 1.91% 11.25% -4.52%
1990 6.11% 0.98% -3.32%
Average -8.53% -15.19%
Median -15.12% -12.02%

Year Sales Free Cash Flow EBITDA EBIT (Operating Income) Net Income
2023 $134,000 $18,708 $47,789 $22,877 $19,749
2024 $135,114 $18,589 $48,799 $30,959 $19,094
2025 $137,567 $19,228 $49,748 $31,835 $19,647
2026 $139,360 $19,896 $50,771 $32,812 $20,429
2027 $139,994 $20,418 $51,029 $32,597 $20,228
2028 $138,819 $20,964 $50,382 $32,481 $20,599
2029 $141,595 $21,761 $52,714 $34,804 $21,893
Annualized Growth 2024-2029 0.9% 2.2% 2.0% 7.2% 1.7%
Cumulative 2024-2029 $832,449 $120,856 $303,443 $195,488 $121,890

S&P LT Risk Management Score Rating
0% to 9% Very Poor
10% to 19% Poor
20% to 29% Suboptimal
30% to 59% Acceptable
60% to 69% Good
70% to 79% Very Good
80+% Exceptional
Verizon 37.89%
Global Percentile 61.39%


Vanguard 500 Index Investor

Year Month Return Return
2000 2 -20.99% -1.91%
2002 7 -16.97% -7.72%
1986 9 -13.60% -8.31%
1990 8 -13.42% -9.03%
2002 4 -12.22% -6.07%
1997 3 -12.12% -4.14%
2000 5 -11.88% -2.04%
2018 2 -11.71% -3.69%
2002 9 -11.48% -10.87%
2005 1 -11.28% -2.45%
1990 1 -11.25% -6.72%
2000 12 -10.79% 0.51%
2009 1 -10.62% -8.41%
2003 7 -10.40% 1.74%
1999 3 -10.30% 4.00%
2008 1 -10.20% -6.02%
2013 5 -10.07% 2.33%
2001 2 -9.92% -9.14%
2010 1 -9.88% -3.60%
2003 2 -9.67% -1.52%
2022 8 -9.48% -4.09%
1987 11 -9.19% -8.19%
2022 9 -9.18% -9.22%
2020 2 -8.88% -8.24%
1991 9 -8.77% -1.67%
2008 9 -8.63% -8.91%
1991 1 -8.51% 4.32%
2004 5 -8.37% 1.36%
2023 5 -8.24% 0.42%
2003 9 -8.15% -1.07%
1990 2 -8.06% 1.27%
2022 4 -8.00% -8.73%
2008 6 -7.98% -8.44%
2022 7 -7.84% 9.21%
1998 4 -7.79% 1.01%
2001 8 -7.66% -6.27%
2014 12 -7.53% -0.26%
2002 12 -7.47% -5.89%
2023 9 -7.35% -4.78%
2001 10 -7.28% 1.90%
2000 7 -7.27% -1.50%
2017 1 -7.19% 1.88%
1993 4 -7.12% -2.42%
1988 3 -7.09% -3.04%
2000 8 -6.92% 6.19%
2018 12 -6.77% -9.04%
2023 7 -6.70% 3.20%
2023 2 -6.64% -2.45%
2002 6 -6.63% -7.13%
2008 2 -6.46% -3.25%
Average -9.44% -3.14%
Median -8.70% -3.15%


Vanguard 500 Index Investor

Year Month Return Return
2002 10 39.27% 8.78%
2000 3 24.90% 9.75%
2000 10 20.26% -0.43%
1999 6 19.41% 5.56%
2024 1 14.25% 1.67%
2007 5 14.01% 3.48%
1998 3 13.93% 5.10%
1997 4 12.89% 5.96%
2001 4 12.59% 7.77%
2010 7 12.56% 7.00%
1999 4 12.29% 3.85%
1990 10 11.94% -0.41%
1988 1 11.92% 4.17%
1999 1 11.88% 4.20%
2010 12 11.78% 6.67%
1997 11 11.56% 4.60%
1990 5 11.50% 9.69%
2000 9 11.31% -5.29%
1997 9 11.14% 5.47%
1989 7 10.95% 9.01%
1989 4 10.94% 5.18%
2002 11 10.91% 5.88%
2013 4 10.83% 1.91%
2022 5 10.78% 0.17%
2023 10 10.73% -2.12%
1998 10 10.64% 8.16%
1987 8 10.62% 3.84%
1995 1 10.57% 2.58%
1987 1 10.56% 13.27%
1990 9 10.53% -4.89%
2001 1 10.42% 3.55%
2010 9 10.36% 8.92%
2008 11 10.04% -7.17%
1986 3 9.87% 5.48%
2017 7 9.81% 2.04%
1999 9 9.79% -2.74%
1998 9 9.77% 6.41%
2016 6 9.71% 0.25%
1985 11 9.49% 6.94%
2013 10 9.47% 4.59%
2016 1 9.46% -4.98%
1993 6 9.45% 0.27%
2015 10 9.13% 8.42%
2023 11 9.11% 9.12%
1992 12 9.04% 1.21%
1985 12 8.80% 4.67%
1992 4 8.64% 2.91%
1997 6 8.39% 4.45%
1992 7 8.29% 4.04%
2001 9 8.22% -8.09%
Average 11.89% 3.62%
Median 10.69% 4.33%


Vanguard 500 Index Investor

Year Inflation Return Return
2005 3.42% -22.12% 4.77%
2022 6.45% -20.01% -18.23%
2008 0.09% -18.02% -37.02%
2000 3.39% -16.29% -9.06%
2002 2.38% -15.12% -22.15%
1994 2.67% -11.61% 1.18%
2021 7.04% -7.53% 28.53%
2003 1.88% -5.53% 28.50%
1991 3.06% -5.25% 30.22%
2001 1.55% -2.47% -12.02%
2014 0.76% -0.56% 13.51%
2020 1.36% -0.12% 18.25%
1990 6.11% 0.98% -3.32%
1987 4.43% 1.65% 4.71%
2023 3.35% 2.77% 26.11%
2015 0.73% 3.61% 1.25%
2009 2.72% 3.82% 26.49%
1996 3.32% 3.97% 22.88%
2017 2.11% 4.02% 21.67%
2018 1.91% 11.25% -4.52%
1992 2.90% 12.47% 7.42%
2012 1.74% 13.18% 15.82%
2019 2.29% 13.87% 31.33%
1988 4.42% 15.92% 16.22%
2024 2.54% 16.40% 19.41%
1999 2.68% 16.98% 21.07%
2011 2.96% 18.23% 1.97%
2013 1.50% 18.64% 32.18%
2004 3.26% 20.34% 10.74%
2016 2.07% 20.72% 11.82%
2007 4.08% 22.29% 5.39%
1998 1.61% 22.54% 28.62%
2010 1.50% 22.58% 14.91%
1993 2.75% 22.81% 9.89%
1986 1.10% 33.70% 18.06%
2006 2.54% 34.75% 15.64%
1985 3.80% 40.34% 31.23%
1995 2.54% 41.36% 37.45%
1997 1.70% 48.57% 33.19%
1989 4.65% 62.48% 31.36%
Average 2.78% 10.64% 12.89%
Median 2.61% 11.86% 15.73%


Vanguard 500 Index Investor

Year Inflation Return Return
1995 2.54% 41.36% 37.45%
1997 1.70% 48.57% 33.19%
2013 1.50% 18.64% 32.18%
1989 4.65% 62.48% 31.36%
2019 2.29% 13.87% 31.33%
1985 3.80% 40.34% 31.23%
1991 3.06% -5.25% 30.22%
1998 1.61% 22.54% 28.62%
2021 7.04% -7.53% 28.53%
2003 1.88% -5.53% 28.50%
2009 2.72% 3.82% 26.49%
2023 3.35% 2.77% 26.11%
1996 3.32% 3.97% 22.88%
2017 2.11% 4.02% 21.67%
1999 2.68% 16.98% 21.07%
2024 2.54% 16.40% 19.41%
2020 1.36% -0.12% 18.25%
1986 1.10% 33.70% 18.06%
1988 4.42% 15.92% 16.22%
2012 1.74% 13.18% 15.82%
2006 2.54% 34.75% 15.64%
2010 1.50% 22.58% 14.91%
2014 0.76% -0.56% 13.51%
2016 2.07% 20.72% 11.82%
2004 3.26% 20.34% 10.74%
1993 2.75% 22.81% 9.89%
1992 2.90% 12.47% 7.42%
2007 4.08% 22.29% 5.39%
2005 3.42% -22.12% 4.77%
1987 4.43% 1.65% 4.71%
2011 2.96% 18.23% 1.97%
2015 0.73% 3.61% 1.25%
1994 2.67% -11.61% 1.18%
1990 6.11% 0.98% -3.32%
2018 1.91% 11.25% -4.52%
2000 3.39% -16.29% -9.06%
2001 1.55% -2.47% -12.02%
2022 6.45% -20.01% -18.23%
2002 2.38% -15.12% -22.15%
2008 0.09% -18.02% -37.02%
Average 10.64% 12.89%
Median 11.86% 15.73%

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha’s Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.


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