Walmart And Cisco Earnings Summaries: A New Walmart Could Be At Hand


  • Walmart reported a rock-solid fiscal Q1 ’25 last week, May 16th, 2024, and then saw two days of above-average volume in the stock.
  • Walmart revenue rose 6%, operating income rose 13%, and EPS rose 22% YoY.
  • In fiscal ’24 Cisco is expected to report its first year of negative YoY EPS growth since 2009.
  • Cisco revenue fell 13%, operating income fell 12% and EPS fell 12% YoY.

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With two of the growth giants of the late 1990s, there has been a decided turn for Walmart (NYSE:WMT) for the better since announcing in April ’23 that the retail giant would be focusing on supply chain and

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