We Have A Winner! Revisiting Danaher And Thermo Fisher


  • In this article, I revisit the life sciences “picks and shovels” market leaders Danaher Corporation and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
  • I will review changes since the initial comparative piece two quarters ago.
  • Furthermore, I’ll review their executive compensation structures.

Focused, serious medical scientists analyzing research scans on a computer, working late in the laboratory. Lab workers examine and talk about results from a checkup while working overtime

Sean Anthony Eddy

Danaher Corporation (NYSE:DHR) and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE:TMO) are leaders in the life sciences and diagnostic space with excellent fundamentals and a culture of excellence. The companies generally trade roughly in line with each

TMO, DHR outperformance

TMO, DHR outperformance (Koyfin)

Danaher Thermo Fisher
June EPS Surprise 18.09% 10.61%
June Revenue Surprise 6.33% 10.27%
Sep EPS Surprise 13.54% 5.50%
Sep Revenue Surprise 6.93% 7.83%

Executive compensation mix

Executive compensation mix (TMO Proxy )

TMO Incentive Performance Measures

TMO Incentive Performance Measures (TMO Proxy)

DHR Compensation mix

DHR Compensation mix (DHR Proxy)

DHR Compensation structure

DHR Compensation structure (DHR Proxy)

DHR Inverse DCF

DHR Inverse DCF (Authors model)

TMO Inverse DCF

TMO Inverse DCF (Authors Model)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of DHR either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: What do you think about these fantastic businesses? Do you own any, both or neither? Do you agree that Danaher is the better buy right now? Let’s continue the discussion in the comments below.

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