Bank of America: Q4 Worse Than JPMorgan’s But Stock Is Cheaper


  • Bank of America’s results on Friday were in line with our investment case, with ROTCE exceeding 15% in both Q4 and the full year.
  • Net interest income, benefiting from rate hikes, grew by 22% in 2022 and is expected to grow another 10% in 2023.
  • The overhead ratio improved and is expected to improve again next year; reserves are now sufficient for a mild recession in 2023.
  • BAC has benefited less from rate rises than JPM and has a lower return on equity, but BAC stock is cheaper at 1.6x versus JPM’s 2.0x.
  • With shares at $35.23, we expect a total return of 62% (18.5% annualized) by the end of 2025. The dividend yield is 2.5%. Buy.

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We review our Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC) investment case after Q4 2022 results released on Friday (January 13). BAC stock initially fell at market open but finished the day up 2.2%.

BAC stock has

Bank of America Share Price (Last 1 Year)

Bank of America Share Price (Last 1 Year)

Source: Google Finance (15-Jan-23).

BAC Group ROTCE (Since 2013)

BAC Group ROTCE (Since 2013)

Source: BAC results supplements.

NB. Excludes $2.07bn First Data JV impairment in 2019.

BAC Results Headlines (Reported Basis) (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

BAC Results Headlines (Reported Basis) (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Source: BAC results supplement (Q4 2022).

BAC Earnings, Provisions & Pre-Tax Profit by Quarter (Since Q4 2019)

BAC Earnings, Provisions & Pre-Tax Profit by Quarter (Since Q4 2019)

Source: BAC results supplements.

NB. Figures on managed basis.

BAC Results Headlines (Reported Basis) (2022 vs. Prior Years)

BAC Results Headlines (Reported Basis) (2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: BAC results supplements.

NB. 2019 figures adjusted to exclude $2.072bn First Data JV impairment.

BAC Average Total Loans & Leases (Last 5 Quarters)

BAC Average Total Loans & Leases (Last 5 Quarters)

Source: BAC results presentation (Q4 2022).

NB. PPP = Paycheck Protection Program.

BAC Net Charge-Offs (Last 5 Quarters)

BAC Net Charge-Offs (Last 5 Quarters)

Source: BAC results presentation (Q4 2022).

BAC Commercial Criticized Exposure (Last 5 Quarters)

BAC Commercial Criticized Exposure (Last 5 Quarters)

Source: BAC results supplement (Q4 2022).

Credit Allowances & Reserve Ratios – BAC vs. JPM

Credit Allowances & Reserve Ratios - BAC vs. JPM

Source: Company filings.

NB. JPM 2020 year-start figures are post-CECL; ratio is estimated.

ROTCE By Quarter – BAC vs. JPM (Since Q4 2018)

ROTCE By Quarter - BAC vs. JPM (Since Q4 2018)

Source: Company filings.

NB. BAC Q3 2019 ROTCE excludes First Data JV impairment.

NII, Assets & Interest Rates – BAC vs. JPM (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Years)

NII, Assets & Interest Rates - BAC vs. JPM (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Company filings.

NB. BAC Q3 2019 ROTCE excludes First Data JV impairment.

Illustrative BAC Return Forecasts

Illustrative BAC Return Forecasts

Source: Librarian Capital estimates.

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of BAC either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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