Aadi Bioscience: Taking mTOR Inhibition To The Next Level


  • Shares have lost half their value since reverse merger with Aerpio Pharmaceuticals.
  • Aadi aims to deliver on the broad potential of mTOR inhibition via nab technology to achieve wide therapeutic index and greater target suppression.
  • Registrational data for Fyarro in PEComa showed impressive durability which is now translating into encouraging launch metrics out of the gate.
  • Institutional clustering and extent of leadership’s relevant prior experience both stick out as green flags to my eyes.
  • AADI is a Buy in my view, with key catalyst being initial readout of PRECISION1 trial in 2023. Risks include dilution in the near to medium term, disappointing data and delays in timelines.

Tumor growing in human body

Artur Plawgo/iStock via Getty Images

Shares of precision oncology upstart Aadi Bioscience (NASDAQ:AADI) have lost half of their value since reverse merger with Aerpio Pharmaceuticals was closed in August of 2021. Year to date return is slightly less negative at -45%.

Weekly Chart



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Fyarro versus predecessors

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Fyarro versus others

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Registrational data for PEComa

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TSC1 and 2

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market opp

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Executive Compensation

Proxy Filing

Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Disclaimer: Commentary presented is NOT individualized investment advice. Opinions offered here are NOT personalized recommendations. Readers are expected to do their own due diligence or consult an investment professional if needed prior to making trades. Strategies discussed should not be mistaken for recommendations, and past performance may not be indicative of future results. Although I do my best to present factual research, I do not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information I post. I reserve the right to make investment decisions on behalf of myself and affiliates regarding any security without notification except where it is required by law. Keep in mind that any opinion or position disclosed on this platform is subject to change at any moment as the thesis evolves. Investing in common stock can result in partial or total loss of capital. In other words, readers are expected to form their own trading plan, do their own research and take responsibility for their own actions. If they are not able or willing to do so, better to buy index funds or find a thoroughly vetted fee-only financial advisor to handle your account.

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