Accenture: A Potential Recession Beneficiary


  • Accenture is a Dividend Contender with 17 consecutive years of dividend growth.  Shares currently yield 1.4%.
  • Accenture’s business thrives during turmoil as client relationships are forged and strengthened during those times allowing Accenture to benefit on the backside as customer spend increases.
  • Accenture’s returns over the last decade benefited greatly from investor sentiment; however, the business still justified admirable returns.
  • Accenture’s share price has been cut by 1/3 since the peak from late 2021. That drawdown has brought Accenture such that it’s a potential buy candidate for intermediate-term timeframes.

Accenture building in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada


Accenture plc (NYSE:ACN) is a powerhouse in helping other businesses improve efficiencies and profitability. They primarily operate through IT consulting and outsourcing by offering their suites of IT solutions that make other businesses better.

Accenture has an impressive track

Accenture Market Share

ACN Investor Conference Slides Apr 2022 Market Share (ACN Investor Conference Slides Apr 2022)

Accenture Dividend History

Accenture Dividend History (Accenture Investor Relations)

FY Annual Dividend 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year
2006 $0.300
2007 $0.350 16.67%
2008 $0.420 20.00%
2009 $0.500 19.05% 18.56%
2010 $0.750 50.00% 28.92%
2011 $0.900 20.00% 28.92% 24.57%
2012 $1.350 50.00% 39.25% 30.99%
2013 $1.620 20.00% 29.27% 30.99%
2014 $1.860 14.81% 27.38% 30.05%
2015 $2.040 9.68% 14.75% 22.16%
2016 $2.200 7.84% 10.74% 19.57% 22.05%
2017 $2.420 10.00% 9.17% 12.38% 21.33%
2018 $2.660 9.92% 9.25% 10.43% 20.27%
2019 $2.920 9.77% 9.90% 9.44% 19.30%
2020 $3.200 9.59% 9.76% 9.42% 15.61%
2021 $3.520 10.00% 9.79% 9.86% 14.61%
2022 $3.880 10.23% 9.94% 9.90% 11.13%

ACN Dividend Payout Ratios

ACN Dividend Payout Ratios (ACN SEC filings)

ACN Revenue Profits and Cash Flow

ACN Revenue Profits and Cash Flow (ACN SEC filings)

ACN Margins

ACN Margins (ACN SEC filings)

ACN Free Cash Flow Returns

ACN Free Cash Flow Returns (ACN SEC filings)

ACN Free Cash Flows

ACN Free Cash Flows (ACN SEC filings)

ACN Shares Outstanding

ACN Shares Outstanding (ACN SEC filings)

ACN Debt to Capitalization

ACN Debt to Capitalization (ACN SEC filings)

Data by YCharts

Annualized Returns % of Returns
Business Returns 9.5% 46%
Capital Allocation Returns 3.5% 17%
Sentiment Change 7.7% 37%
Total Annualized Returns 20.7%

ACN Return Attribution Breakdown

ACN Return Attribution Breakdown (ACN SEC filings)

Accenture Dividend Yield Theory

Accenture Dividend Yield Theory (ACN Investor Relations and Google Finance)

Data by YCharts

P/E Level 5 Year 10 Year
30 13.0% 9.8%
25 9.3% 8.0%
22.5 7.3% 7.0%
20 5.0% 5.9%
17.5 2.5% 4.6%
15 -0.3% 3.2%

Purchase Price Targets
10% Return Target 12% Return Target 8% Return Target
P/E Level 5 Year 10 Year 5 Year 10 Year 5 Year 10 Year
30 $314 $269 $287 $227 $345 $320
25 $265 $230 $242 $194 $291 $273
22.5 $241 $210 $220 $178 $264 $250
20 $216 $191 $198 $162 $237 $226
17.5 $192 $172 $175 $146 $210 $203
15 $167 $152 $153 $130 $183 $180

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of ACN either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: I am not a financial professional. Please consult an investment advisor and do your own due diligence prior to investing. Investing involves risks. All thoughts/ideas presented in this article are the opinions of the author and should not be taken as investment advice.

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