AT&T Put A Tiger In The Tank


  • The fourth quarter report clearly surprised to the upside.
  • Clearly, cash flow and free cash flow appear to be back-end loaded.
  • Both cash flow and free cash flow grew at a 20% rate (roughly) in the fourth quarter comparison.
  • It would appear that AT&T is moving from strictly income to income and growth.  That makes the investment far more valuable than it is now.
  • Cash flow grew impressively despite the drop in cash received from DIRECTV.

AT&T Stock Jumps On Strong Earnings Report

Brandon Bell

Back in the day of Esso (before Exxon Mobil (XOM)), putting a “tiger in the tank” showed a lot of determination and focus. It was a campaign by Esso at the time to sell gas. The advertising campaign became

AT&T Free Cash Flow Comparison Fourth Quarter And Annual

AT&T Free Cash Flow Comparison Fourth Quarter And

AT&T Free Cash Flow Calculation

AT&T Free Cash Flow Calculation (AT&T Fourth Quarter 2022 Supplemental Materials And Non-GAAP Reconciliations)

AT&T Common Stock Price History And Key Valuation Measures

AT&T Common Stock Price History And Key Valuation Measures (Seeking Alpha Website January 25, 2023)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of T either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor, and this article is not meant to be a recommendation of the purchase or sale of stock. Investors are advised to review all company documents and press releases to see if the company fits their own investment qualifications.

I analyze oil and gas companies, related companies, and AT&T in my service, Oil & Gas Value Research, where I look for undervalued names in the oil and gas space. I break down everything you need to know about these companies — the balance sheet, competitive position and development prospects. This article is an example of what I do. But for Oil & Gas Value Research members, they get it first and they get analysis on some companies that is not published on the free site. Interested? Sign up here for a free two-week trial.

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