Comcast: Still Cheap After Good Cable Growth In Q4 Results


  • Despite gaining 9% since our last update in November, Comcast stock still has a P/E of just 9.9x and a Dividend Yield of 3.1%.
  • The core cable business has continued its moderate EBITDA growth, driven by higher Average Revenue Per User and cost efficiencies.
  • Theme Parks and Studios are doing well, but Media profits are falling due to rising Peacock losses and pressures on linear networks.
  • The small Sky business has good operational growth in the U.K. but has not yet turned the corner fully in EBITDA.
  • With shares at $37.23, our forecasts indicate a total return of 53% (16.4% annualized) by 2025 year-end. Buy.

Comcast Cable / Xfinity service van driving on the street

Sundry Photography


We review our investment case on Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCSA), three months after our last update in November 2022, based on Q4 2022 results and CFO Jason Armstrong’s comments at a investor conference this week.

Comcast shares have

Comcast Share Price (Last 5 Years)

Comcast Share Price (Last 5 Years)

Source: Google Finance (03-Mar-23).

Comcast EBITDA by Segment (2013-22)

Comcast EBITDA by Segment (2013-22)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Comcast Revenues and EBITDA by Segment (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Comcast Revenues and EBITDA by Segment (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast results releases.

Comcast Cable Comms Revenues and EBITDA (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Comcast Cable Comms Revenues and EBITDA (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Source: Comcast results schedule (Q4 2022).

Comcast Cable Customer Net Adds by Category (Since Q3 2019)

Comcast Cable Customer Net Adds by Category (Since Q3 2019)

Source: Comcast company filings.

NBCU Revenues & EBITDA by Segment (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Years)

NBCU Revenues & EBITDA by Segment (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Media Revenues & EBITDA – Peacock vs. Non-Peacock (Since 2020)

Media Revenues & EBITDA - Peacock vs. Non-Peacock (Since 2020)

Source: Comcast company filings.

NB. Q3 2021 and Q1 2022 revenues were boosted by Olympics games (in Tokyo and Beijing respectively).

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Year)

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Year)

Source: Comcast results release (Q4 2022).

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (2022 vs. Prior Years)

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Comcast Earnings, Cashflows & Valuation (201922)

Sky Revenues, EBITDA & Customers (2022 vs. Prior Years)

Source: Comcast company filings.

Illustrative Comcast Return Forecasts

Illustrative Comcast Return Forecasts

Source: Librarian Capital estimates.

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of CHTR either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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