Eli Lilly: Best-Now Near-Term Price Gains Pharmaceuticals Stock


  • 84% of shares held by 3370 “institutional” investors, with over 80% of its $315 Billion market capitalization traded in a year.
  • Not a buy-to-hold because prior forecasts like today’s 8-to-1 wins to losses reached their sell targets in less than two months, often followed by price reductions.
  • An Active Investment strategy employs time productively, not defensively, because compounding gains is the best means of building wealth most assuredly and rapidly when good forecasts are in hand.
  • The specific stock selections identified are from price forecasts of the current competitive moment, not from some idea of historical averages.
  • LLY ranks high now in reward-to-risk tradeoffs (4.3 to 1) from coming-price expectations made by best-informed investing professionals, evidenced by prior similar-to-today forecasts.
Business on Wall Street in Manhattan

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The primary focus of this article is Ely Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY).

Investing Thesis

Market-makers [MM] everyday are called on to balance buyers and sellers’ share volumes in transactions. For typical small, regularly appearing individual investor trades, no problem. Markets are automated to quickly adapt from electronic “offer

Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, but may initiate a beneficial Long position through a purchase of the stock, or the purchase of call options or similar derivatives in LLY over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Peter Way and generations of the Way Family are long-term providers of perspective information, earlier helping professional investors and now individual investors, discriminate between wealth-building opportunities in individual stocks and ETFs. We do not manage money for others outside of the family but do provide pro bono consulting for a limited number of not-for-profit organizations.

We firmly believe investors need to maintain skin in their game by actively initiating commitment choices of capital and time investments in their personal portfolios. So our information presents for D-I-Y investor guidance what the arguably best-informed professional investors are thinking. Their insights, revealed through their own self-protective hedging actions, tell what they believe is most likely to happen to the prices of specific issues in coming weeks and months. Evidences of how such prior forecasts have worked out are routinely provided at our SA blog under my name. Pls see SA articles numbered 1495621 and 1936131.

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