PayPal: Back To Multi-Year Lows After Q4 2022 Results


  • PayPal shares have fallen back to their July 2022 lows since Q4 results, as investors worry whether its problems are more than cyclical.
  • E-commerce has decelerated and may not improve until 2024, and P2P growth has also slowed. PayPal CEO is retiring in 2023.
  • PayPal is actively cutting costs, and expect these to deliver an 18% EPS growth in 2023 even on mid-single-digit revenue growth.
  • The key to PayPal’s upside is e-commerce growth will resume at 10%+ and PayPal will keep or grow its share in branded checkouts.
  • We believe PayPal stock is at a “real” P/E of 25x, with limited downside but an outsized return if double-digit growth returns. Buy.


Introduction: Why is PYPL Stock Down?

PayPal Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:PYPL) released Q4 2022 results after markets closed on February 9. Shares first rose 3.0% on the following day, but have since fallen by 7.6%, and are now near multi-year lows seen in

PayPal Share Price (Last 5 Years)

PayPal Share Price (Last 5 Years)

Source: Google Finance (19-Feb-23).

PayPal Key Financials (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

PayPal Key Financials (Q4 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Source: PayPal company filings.

NB. All figures are GAAP unless otherwise stated.

PayPal TPV Growth (Since Q4 2019)

PayPal TPV Growth (Since Q4 2019)

Source: PayPal company filings.

NB. ex-eBay figure not disclosed for 22Q4; difference is likely immaterial.

PayPal Key Financials (2022 vs. Prior Year)

PayPal Key Financials (2022 vs. Prior Year)

Source: PayPal company filings.

NB. All figures are GAAP unless otherwise stated.

PayPal TPV Mix & Growth By Category (2022)

PayPal TPV Mix & Growth By Category (2022)

Source: PayPal results presentation (Q4 2022).

PayPal Net New Actives by Quarter (2018-22)

PayPal Net New Actives by Quarter (2018-22)

Source: PayPal company filings.

PayPal EBIT Margins By Quarter (Last 6 Quarters)

PayPal EBIT Margins By Quarter (Last 6 Quarters)

Source: PayPal results presentation (Q4 2022).

PayPal Outlook (2023)

PayPal Outlook (2023)

Source: PayPal results presentation (Q4 2022).

PayPal Outlook (Q1 2023)

PayPal Outlook (Q1 2023)

Source: PayPal results presentation (Q4 2022).

PayPal Valuation & Cash Flows (2019-22)

PayPal Valuation & Cash Flows (2019-22)

Source: PayPal company filings.

NB. FCF restated in 2021 to exclude cashflows on collateral related to derivatives.

Illustrative PayPal Return Forecasts

Illustrative PayPal Return Forecasts

Source: Librarian Capital estimates.

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of PYPL either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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