Tesla Remains Consumers’ Favorite Electric Vehicle Brand In The U.S.


  • Tesla, Inc. has bottomed at $130.
  • Lucid Group, Inc. beats in terms of range and appearance, but not on volume nor the affordability factor.
  • XPeng Inc. competes in international markets on affordability on P7 and some performance specs on G series models.
  • NIO Inc. competes in international markets with ES/EC models, but falls short on range on ET models.
  • Toyota Motor Corporation can beat on volume in the future, but its consumer base places more weight on longevity than power as reflected in BZ4X.

facade Tesla store with customers inside at night in China

facade Tesla store with customers inside at night in China

Robert Way

Elon Musk has been all over headlines after the Twitter acquisition and the immediate changes that have ensued there, including massive employee terminations and app modifications.

Tesla, Inc. (

Lucid Motors Vehicle Models

Lucid Motors Vehicle Models (LucidMotors.com)

Xpeng P7 Model

Xpeng P7 Model (HeyXpeng.com)




Range Horsepower



XPEV – G3i $26,683 323 mi. 197 6.7 sec.
TSLA – X $110,300 333 mi. 670 3.9 sec.
XPEV – G9 $46,201 436 mi. 543 6.4 sec.
TSLA – Y $52,630 279 mi. 425 3.5 sec.


G9 (insideevs.com)

NIO Prototype cars in front of NYSE

NIO Cars (www.nio.com/about)

NIO EP9 Model

EP9 Model of NIO (www.NIO.com/ep9)


NIO ES8 (www.nio.com/es8)

Tesla Model X

Tesla Model X (www.tesla.com/modelx)

Toyota BZ4X Model

Toyota BZ4X (Toyota.com)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of TSLA either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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