Fallen Angels And What To Do With Them +Q4: #4 Tesla


  • Last year, the market was under enormous pressure due to inflation, rate hikes, supply-chain disruptions, and China’s zero-Covid policy, which has the ability to trigger a global recession.
  • This environment brought even the most loved stocks to their knees. Stocks that were market favorites for the last several years and put out incredible returns for their shareholders.
  • In this series, I want to look at some of these stocks and give a quick look at their recent developments and if they are “buys” yet.
  • For a company of its size (>400B), Tesla has unmatched growth prospects, is already highly profitable, and has a clean balance sheet.
  • The Q4 earnings report was decent with a beat on earnings and a rather good outlook.

Tesla Motors in Fremont



This is the fourth article from this series. If you want to know more about the stocks of this series, please see here.

Tesla has been one of the most talked about stocks since 2020. At first, for stellar returns, the

Five-year %-performance and drawdown

Five-year %-performance and drawdown (koyfin.com)

Data by YCharts

Car manufacturer's margin comparison

Car manufacturer’s margin comparison (koyfin.com)

Business performance

Business performance (koyfin.com)

YoY growth rates

YoY growth rates (koyfin.com)

Estimates trends

Estimates trends (koyfin.com)

Analyst consensus

Analyst consensus (koyfin.com)

Analyst consensus

Analyst consensus (koyfin.com)

FY1 and NTM EPS estimates

FY1 and NTM EPS estimates (koyfin.com)

Production and deliveries in Q4 and 2022

Production and deliveries in Q4 and 2022 (Tesla Q4 earnings)

Market share of Tesla vehicles by region

Market share of Tesla vehicles by region (Tesla Q4 earnings report)

Vehicle delivery growth

Vehicle delivery growth (Tesla Q4 earnings report)

Tesla valuation metrics

Tesla valuation metrics (koyfin.com)

FastGraphs historical graph

FastGraphs historical graph (fastgraphs.com)

FastGraphs forecasting chart 21x P/E

FastGraphs forecasting chart 21x P/E (fastgraphs.com)

FastGraphs forecasting chaFastGraphs forecasting chart 35.5x P/Ert 32.7x P/E

FastGraphs forecasting chart 35.5x P/E (fastgraphs.com)

Auto sector companies with positive P/E ratios

Auto sector companies with positive P/E ratios (Author, data from koyfin.com)

Similar growing stocks comparison

Similar growing stocks comparison (Author, data from Koyfin)

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of TSLA either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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