Where Will Merck Stock Be In 4 Years?


  • Merck & Co., Inc. stock has performed very well for me during the past two years.
  • It often takes several years for the prices of overvalued or undervalued stocks to reflect today’s earnings-based valuations.
  • In this article, I use a simple earnings valuation technique to estimate approximately where Merck & Co., Inc.’s stock price will be 4 years from now if those trends hold.
  • I will compare those estimated returns to the S&P 500 index and cash’s expected returns to determine whether to rate Merck a buy, sell, or hold.

fortune teller with glowing crystal ball



I always like to start my articles by reviewing any past coverage I’ve had of a stock. So let’s take a moment to review my past Merck & Co., Inc. (NYSE:MRK) coverage before we get started on

Data by YCharts

Merck historical earnings pattern

FAST Graphs

Data by YCharts

Merck expected earnings growth

FAST Graphs

Year Earnings for Year Cumulative Earnings


$6.74 $6.74
2 $7.24 $13.99
3 $7.78 $21.77
4 $8.36 $30.14
5 $8.99 $39.12
6 $9.66 $48.78
7 $10.38 $59.16
8 $11.15 $70.31
9 $11.98 $82.29
10 $12.87 $95.16
Total $95.16 $100 + $95.16 = $195.16

4-Year No Mean Reversion 4-year total return expectation

4-year return expectation minus SPY’s +27.48%

4-year return expectation minus TFLO +17.00%

MRK +30.66% +3.18% +13.66%

With a Generic 7% 10-year Mean Reversion Assumption 4-year total return expectation 4-year return expectation minus SPY’s +13.62% 4-year return expectation minus TFLO’s +17.00%
MRK +28.45% +14.84% +11.45%

Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of MRK, TFLO either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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